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NSW Biodiversity Reforms Bulletins

RESOURCES | NsW Biodiversity Reforms Bulletins

The NSW Biodiversity reforms have created a new set of challenges and responsibilities for local government and and state government agencies required to administer the new legislation. In order to assist with the process, a series of Biodiversity Reform Bulletins are being produced for the Central West, Orana and Central Far West regions.

For further information please contact:
Leesa Swan
Principal Projects Officer - Biodiversity Reforms
Office of Local Government (NSW)
0418 672 360

Updated BMAT User Guide - February 2020

Biodiversity Assessment Method Operation Manual

Proposed Changes to the Biodiversity Assessment Method - public consultation overview

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 19 - Guideline for application of the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) at severely burnt sites

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 18 - Subdivisions and development of subdivided lots under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act)

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 17 - Commencement of the biodiversity offsets scheme in Western Sydney and Guidance for Local Government

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 16 - Updates to biodiversity data, entities at risk of a serious and irreversible impact and the Biodiversity Assessment Method

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 15 - New arrangements for Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Support and notifications since closure of the LMBC service centre

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 14 - State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas)

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 13 - Coastal management and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 12 - Extension to clause 27 and deferred matter land

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 11 - Bush Fire Clearing and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 10 - Councils as Decision Maker on ‘Dead or Dying’ Vegetation Exemptions

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 9 - Compliance and State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 8 - Development Assessment Decision Making and Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 7 - Biodiversity Values Map Version 5

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 6 - Biodiversity Data and Resources

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 5 - Koala Habitat Protection and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 4 - Determining Serious and Irreversible Impacts

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 3 - Biodiversity Values Map Update

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 2 - Notifying OEH When Determining Development Applications

Biodiversity Reform Bulletin No. 1 - Threatened Species Test of Significance Guidelines

Biodiversity Values Map - version 3

Biodiversity Reforms Glossary and Acronym Summary