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Birdlife Australia's Community Conservation Grants

Grants & Awards

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Birdlife Australia's Community Conservation Grants

Birdlife Australia’s Community Conservation Grants empower local community groups and Birdlife Australia’s network with the tools, knowledge and guidance they need to protect birds and nature both locally and nationally.

Grants of up to $20,000 for community and capacity building projects that align with and support the delivery of Birdlife Australia’s Bird Conservation Strategy. This includes funding for equipment, signage and vegetation restoration, as well as community education, training and advocacy.

As a guide, the project must:

– Align with BirdLife Australia’s programs, priorities and Bird Conservation Strategy

– Comply with BirdLife Australia’s policies and values, and identify and manage any associated risks

– Consider opportunities for volunteer participation and volunteer leadership development

– Consider strategies to improve the diversity, equity and inclusion approaches to projects and volunteering

– Have a tangible conservation impact and clear, measurable outcomes

– Ensure bird surveys are standardised and submitted to Birdata

– Ensure expenditure has not already been incurred (funding will not be given retrospectively)

– Be completed within the permitted timeframe (typically within 12 months)

– Be conducted within Australia (overseas projects will not be funded).

Bird Conservation Strategy: Conservation Action Areas (CAAs)

– Build evidence base through science, research, information management and partnerships

– Advocate for, refine and develop decision support tools, methods and standards

– Establish, support and empower local communities and Network

– Develop and promote incentives

– Influence economic and social drivers

– Advocate for appropriate policies

– Work with First Nations peoples

– Work with the private sector

– Direct action to manage, benefit and restore conservation targets.